Is traditional marketing dead?  It’s no secret that digital marketing has grown significantly over the last decade. It now makes up the majority of businesses’ marketing budgets, with many marketers shifting ad placements away from radio and print to social media platforms and Google ads. Some marketers and consumers would even say that traditional marketing, such as television, radio, and newspaper, is dead.  According to some experts, that is most definitely the case. A report recently published by The CMO Survey stated,...

Growing your business through social media in a less-densely populous region of the country, such as the Midwest or “Bible Belt”, provides its own unique set of challenges, but it also offers many opportunities that you may not find in larger markets.   There are many geographic and demographic factors that are necessary to take into account, and knowing your market, the audience, and its various personas, are vital to the success of any social media campaign. Making the mistake of treating...

How to make a Social Media Marketing Plan There are two approaches to social media marketing. Passive Posting: Whimsically posting what moves you and hope the people who need your services stumble across your account Action Planning: Seeking out what moves your clients in a way that brings their attention to what you can offer them. You will always end up somewhere but a plan gets you somewhere on purpose. A social media marketing plan will get your business noticed by the...

What is Native Advertising and How Effective is it? At Arrow, we strive to find the best ways to help our clients reach their clients. We understand that your time and resources are valuable, and we want to use only the tools that work best for you. Two problems advertisers face are Banner Blindness and Adblocking. People have gotten very good at either tuning out the ads fighting for their attention, or actively avoiding ads altogether by blocking them all.. “Tuning out the...

Finding the right web design agency for my business There are so many options available when you start to search for ideas on how to build your business website. It can be very overwhelming and confusing. One of the first things you have to decide is are you going to work on it alone or hire a web designer to take it on for you. There are numerous really great options that have been made available where you can sit down...